Create builder interface showing the main canvas, chat, and key controls

Getting started

You chat with Create to build your app. Tell it what to build using text or images (paste them in).

Speed up with keyboard shortcuts:

  • Press cmd-enter (or ctrl-enter on Windows) to send messages

  • Use / commands to add Integrations or create new elements

Create projects can contain multiple elements to build end to end apps:

When you start a new project, you begin on a single page.

Don’t want to start from scratch? Try a Template. Create’s assistant will walk you through customizing the elements of the app.

Making improvements

Iterate on your app by sending more messages to the assistant. Create updates your app based on your instructions and the current state of the project.

You can change what level of detail you want to work on:

  • When you select a specific element, messages update only that element

  • When you select the canvas, messages can modify multiple elements at once


When you send a message, Create uses your message, message history, and the app’s code history to generate the code for a new version.

When generating, you’ll see the code stream or a building icon. When it’s done, you can play with the app in Demo mode.

Pro members get better generations - Create uses more history and context to make smarter changes.

Read our guide to prompting to learn how to write clear messages that get the results you want.

Project-wide vs Single Element

You can generate changes at two levels:

Project-wide generation

  • Tap the project name in Project Selector or tap on canvas

  • Messages apply to entire project

  • Create can edit across multiple elements

  • Create can add new Pages, Components, Functions

  • Good for:

    • Building many elements quickly

    • Maintaining consistent styles

    • Features that span elements (navigation, databases)

Single element generation

  • Tap element name in Project Selector or select element on canvas

  • Messages only update that specific element

  • Changes confined to selected Page, Component, or Function

  • Good for:

    • Making targeted changes with more control

    • Refining specific features

    • Debugging

Switch between project and element level as needed. Start broad with project-wide changes, then drill down to specific elements for fine-tuning.

Version history

As you chat with Create, it saves your version history automatically.

You can:

  • Tap on previous versions in the chat to view them

  • Restore any previous version as the current version

Demo vs. Select vs. Code

You can quickly switch between different modes to work on your app. Learn more about controls:

  • Demo mode: Try out your app’s functionality

  • Select mode: Tap elements to make specific updates, create components, or add links

  • Code mode: View and edit the underlying code

Creating new Elements

Add new elements to your project through:

Canvas vs. Focused View

Toggle between two workspace views using the collapse icon:

  • Canvas: See multiple elements at once laid out on an infinite canvas

  • Focused: See a single element at a time. Focused mode can help to test updates that impact scroll.

Go Live

When you’re ready to launch your app, tap the Publish button in the top right. Learn more about Publishing.