We’re actively adding more guides. If you don’t see something covered here, let us know and we’ll add it.


We run a Discord community for all Create users to get help from both the community and our team. For project-specific questions, post in the #help-me-build channel where our community members and team are ready to assist.

Sharing Your Build

When asking for help, please include:

  1. A link to your /build page for the project you’re working on
  2. A specific description of what’s not working (e.g., “The function called “RetrieveWeather” returns a 500 error when submitting the form”)

Build links help us see your generated code and troubleshoot more effectively.

Your build links are private - even if shared publicly, only team members can access them. Create team members and admins can jump into your build to help you out (with your permission).

Have a question?

Reach out to us at hello@create.xyz