Connect your app to Discord’s messaging platform to send notifications, build chatbots, and interact with users through Discord’s popular messaging service.


Create Developer Account

Sign up and configure your Discord Developer Portal.

Get Bot Token

Create a Discord bot and obtain your bot token.

Verify Settings

Turn on these settings to have the best experience with Discord.

Connect to Create

Add your credentials to Create’s secrets.

Account Setup


Create a Discord Developer Account

Go to Discord Developer Portal and sign up with your account.


Create a New Application

Click “New Application” to create a new Discord application.

Generate API Credentials


Get Your Public Key and Application ID

  1. Find your Public Key and Application ID in the General Information section.

Get Your Bot Token

  1. In the Bot settings, click “Reset Token” to generate and copy your bot token.

Keep your bot token secure - it grants full access to your bot.


Get your Guild ID

  1. Go into your settings for the main Discord messaging application.
  2. Find the advanced tab and enable developer mode.
  1. Right click the server icon you want your bot join in your list of servers.
  2. Copy the Server ID.
Guild ID is the same as Server ID. They call it Guild to make it sound cool.

Verify Settings


Set Bot Interactions

  1. Head back to the Discord Developer portal and into the Bot section to enable Public Bot to allow others to download your bot.
  2. Enable Server Members intent to allow interactions with the server members.
  3. Enable Message Intent to allow the bot to interactive with messages in the server.

Set Bot Permissions

  1. Go into the Install section and scroll down to find the Default Install Settings
  2. Under Guild Install, click the drop down under scopes and add Bot to the list
  3. Under Permissions, enable Send Message and Read Message history.
Add more permissions here based on your Discord bot needs.

Set Bot Webhook URL

  1. Revisit the General Information section and scroll down to find the Interactive Endpoint URL
  2. Copy your Create project’s base URL along with api/discord-webhook similar to the example picture.
    Be sure your Create project is published and available on the internet
  3. Once you click “Save Changes”, the endpoint should have verifed successfully.
Having issues with setup? Please reach out to the community on our Discord.

Setting Slash Commands


Run the Create Command function

  1. In your Create project, run the Create Command function in the Run Test option. This will create a /chatgpt command for your bot.
    You may skip the inputs and click “Run Test”, if you have the your secrets/credentials setup.

Invite Your Bot to a Server

  1. In the installation section, scroll down to find your installation link.
  2. Copy and paste it into your browser and add your bot to your server.

Test Your Bot

Send a test message using “/chatgpt Hello!” in your Discord server to verify that your bot is online and responding.

Add to Create Project


Add the Integration

  1. In your Create project, type / in chat.
  2. Select “Discord” from the menu.

Add Your Credentials

  1. Paste your Bot Token into “DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN”.
  2. Paste your Application ID to “DISCORD_APP_ID”.
  3. Paste your Public Key to “DISCORD_PUBLIC_KEY”.
  4. Paste your Server ID to “DISCORD_GUILD_ID”.

Need new credentials? Regenerate in the Discord Developer Portal.


Start Building

Use prompts to implement Discord features:

  • Send a welcome message using /Discord
  • Build a chatbot that uses /Discord for customer support
  • Create a notification system with /Discord

Discord API has rate limits - implement error handling for best reliability.

Discord integration complete! Use /Discord in chat to access messaging capabilities.

Frequently Asked Questions