Access GIFs and animated content
GIPHY API provides access to the world’s largest library of GIFs, stickers, and animated content.
Create Account
Sign up for a GIPHY Developer account
Get API Key
Generate your GIPHY API key
Copy into Create
Add your API key to Create’s secrets
Account Creation
Visit GIPHY Developers
Go to and click “Create an Account”
Create Developer Account
- Sign up with email/password
- Or continue with existing GIPHY account
Generate API Key
Create an App
- Go to your GIPHY Developer dashboard
- Click “Create an API Key”
- Select “API” access type
Free tier has rate limits - monitor your usage
Get API Key
- Name your app (e.g., “Create Integration”)
- Add a brief description
- Copy your API key
Add to Create Project
Add the integration
- In your Create project, type
in the chat - Select “GIPHY” from the menu
Add your API key
- Paste your API key into the “GIPHY_API_KEY” field
Need a new key? Generate one in your GIPHY Developer dashboard.
Start searching
You can now use prompts with the integration to access GIFs.
Example prompts:
Find reaction GIFs using /GIPHY
Add animated stickers with /GIPHY
Create a GIF picker using /GIPHY
API has rate limits - implement caching for frequently accessed GIFs.
Example prompt for optimization:
Your GIPHY integration is ready! Use /GIPHY
in chat to access GIFs.
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