MovieDB provides detailed information about movies, TV shows, cast, and crew through its extensive entertainment database.


Create Account

Sign up for a MovieDB account

Get API Key

Generate your MovieDB API key

Connect to Create

Add your API key to Create’s secrets

Account Creation


Visit MovieDB Website

Go to and click “Join TMDb”


Complete Registration

  • Choose username and password
  • Verify your email address

Generate API Key


Access API Settings

  1. Go to your account settings
  2. Navigate to “API” section

Create New Key

  1. Click “Create New API Key”
  2. Accept the terms of service
  3. Generate API credential

Secure Your Key

  1. Copy the API key (v3 auth)
  2. Store it securely

Never expose this key in client-side code

Add to Create Project


Add the Integration

  1. In your Create project, type / in chat
  2. Select “MovieDB” from the menu

Add Your API Key

  1. Paste your MovieDB API key into “MOVIEDB_API_KEY” secret

Need a new key? Regenerate in your MovieDB API settings.


Start Exploring

Use prompts to access entertainment data:

  • Show details for The Dark Knight using /MovieDB
  • Build a movie recommendation app with /MovieDB
  • Create a TV show watchlist with /MovieDB
  • Display cast photos for Stranger Things via /MovieDB

API responses are live data - cache results for better performance

MovieDB integration complete! Use /TMDb in chat to access entertainment data.