Resend provides reliable email delivery and tracking for your application’s email needs.

To send emails from a registered domain, you must verify your domain in Resend.
Please follow the official Resend guide here.


Create Account

Sign up for a Resend account

Get API Key

Generate your Resend API key

Connect to Create

Add your API key to Create’s secrets

Account Creation


Visit Resend Website

Go to and click “Get Started”


Complete Registration

  • Sign up with email/password
  • Verify your email address

Generate API Key


Create New Key

If this is your first time generating an API key, this Get Started page will show.
Otherwise, navigate to the API Keys page.

  1. Click “Add an API Key”

Secure Your Key

  1. Copy the API key
  2. Store it securely
  3. Test the key by sending a test email

This key will only be shown once - save it immediately

Add to Create Project


Add the Integration

  1. In your Create project, type / in chat
  2. Select “Resend” from the menu

Add Your API Key

  1. Paste your Resend API key into “RESEND_API_KEY” secret

Need a new key? Regenerate in Resend dashboard.


Start Sending

Use prompts to implement email features:

  • Send welcome email to new users with /Resend
  • Build a password reset flow using /Resend
  • Create a newsletter system with /Resend

Resend has daily sending limits - monitor usage in their dashboard

Resend integration complete! Use /Resend in chat to access email capabilities.