Connect your app to Slack’s API to send messages, manage channels, and interact with users.


Create Account

Sign up for a Slack account.

Get API Key

Generate your Slack API token.

Connect to Create

Add your credentials to Create’s secrets.

Account Setup


Create a Slack Workspace

Go to and click “Get Started” to create a new workspace.


Sign In

If you already have a workspace, click “Sign In” to access your account.


Create a New App

  1. After signing, click “Your Apps” on the homepage.
  2. Click on “Create New App”.
  1. Name your App and choose which workspace you will be installing the slack bot.

Slack Alert Bot Setup Guide

This part will guide you in creating a bot that sends an alert to a specified channel.


Create a Slack Webhook

  1. Navigate to “Incoming Webhook” in the left sidebar.
  2. Enable “Activate Incoming Webhooks”
  3. Click “Add New Webhook to Workspace”

Select Your Channel

Select the channel in your workspace that your bot will send notifications to.


Copy the Slack Webhook

  1. Copy the generated Slack webhook URL at the bottom of the page.
  2. Paste the URL into your Create project’s secrets as SLACK_WEBHOOK.

Slack Slash Command Bot Setup Guide

This part will guide you in creating a bot that uses slash commands.


Finding Slack Signing Secret

  1. Once your app is created, navigate to “Basic Information” in the left sidebar.
  2. Under “Signing Secret”, copy the necessary key for your bot app.
The signing secret is used in the function to verify messages are coming from Slack.

Verify Settings


Verify your webhook url

  1. Navigate to “Event Subscriptions” in the left sidebar, and enable Events.
  2. Enter your Create project’s URL into the Request URL. It should follow the example in the picture below.
  1. Scroll further to find “Subscribe to Bot Events” and add the “” Bot User Event

Settings in App Home

  1. Navigate to “App Home” in the left sidebar.
  2. Enable “Show my Bot as Online” and “Allow Users to Send Slash Commands”

Adding Chatgpt Slash command

  1. Navigate to “Slash Commands” in the left sidebar.
  2. Click “Create New Command”, and name it chatgpt as an example.

Changing the Name of Your Command

If you plan on changing the name:

  1. Go into your Create project’s code, find the conditional that mentions /chatgpt and change it to whatever slash command you plan to name.
If you plan on changing the functionality as well, be sure to use the AI Builder to modify it for that slash command

Installing your Bot into your workspace

  1. After setting everything up, navigate to the “Install App” in the left sidebar.
  2. Click on “Install to Your Workspace”

Try It Out!

Try out your App by going into any available channels or DM and type in “/chatgpt”

Add to Create Project


Add the Integration

  1. In your Create project, type / in chat.
  2. Select “Slack” from the menu.

Add Your Credentials

  1. Paste your Signing Secret into “SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET.”

Need new credentials? Regenerate in the Slack API settings.


Start Building

Use prompts to implement Slack features:

  • Send a message to a channel using /Slack
  • Post a reminder with /Slack
  • Manage channels with /Slack

Slack API has rate limits - implement error handling for best reliability.

Slack integration complete! Use /Slack in chat to access messaging capabilities.

Frequently Asked Questions